Monday, November 9, 2009


ok try to follow me..... typing fast.....

Number 1! thank you for your love and support. i am so grateful to you for encourageing me even though this may not me your favorite idea i have had. you are my favorite people and i love you so much. this is a hard job and i would never be able to continue withouit your love in my heart.

Number2! the facts
I live in yaya we have a shower a shopping mall annd house help... which means not a lot of dishes. its kinda weird to me. so i am very comfortable and safe. i work in lenana which is a slum 15 min matatu ride down the dad peter- kioni and matu brothers. i live and work with kathrin 22 from germany. we are part of a womens group all postiveHIV members. right now we are working on marketing for their beading jewleery to increase income. guess what you are getting for christmas? they are lovely. it is hot. almost all the time i dont know how to help but i am learning everyday what are the right steps to take. but more on philosophy later i forgot i am typing facts. there aRE 6 WOMEN WE DO HOME VISITS on community members. today we tried to conviebve a sick women to go the hospital. "tomarrow"...she is HIV positive but because of stigma will not go to get treated. she just gave birth to a baby 1 month ago she has no milk cause it dried up. still will not go CHALLENGING! i am doing tEACHING NOV 17 SCHOOL SEMINAR nov 21 community seminar this is where i get to do my first condom on banana demonstration. you are invited. i am safe. everything is ok.

NUmber 3! news
Camp Talahi is closed for good. oh my GOD! crushing blow to my heart and being
GLADYS IS enrolled in school for sure in UGanda studying nursing
mama grace says hello
my shingles pain is completly gone
i have sunburn
it is hot

please tell me how your life is going. i miss hearing details froM your lives and i pray for you evryday.

lets play a family game of high/low

HIGH!!!- kenya had a country wide powere outage. i played hide ang go seek with my brothers kioni9 and matu 10 they says you cant see us cause we are dark!! haha
low!!!- missing you


  1. HIGH- got a new job on neuro ICU
    LOW - i don't have a starting date and i am beginning to double think the job.
    HIGH- thinking of you in africa.

  2. We've never met, but that's OK. I am a friend of Mary's, so that should be good enough to follow your fun *and not so fun - sunburn = OUCH!!*! I am praying for you and your travels there... and hoping your good works fulfill you - even if others don't understand the choice you have made. On your lows, know that there are people who are thinking of you that you have never met, and who are praying for your safety and happiness. With that, the high in our house today is SUGAR COOKIES!!!

  3. high - plans to start a commune where we can raise our babies, have a farm, and live happily ever after are in the works

    low - jessica got fired and the office is a terrible place right now

  4. low - Owen has started waking up in the night again and we can't figure out why. My best guess is that he has an upper tooth coming in, but it is very difficult to look in his mouth, so i'm not positive yet. He HATES it when i try to look in there. Hopefully this passes in the next week or so.

    high - I got so many homesteader chores done around the house with my parents this weekend. We made some diaper wipes out of an old pair of flannel pants, covered the garden beds with hay, cleaned out the pantry, installed a closet bar in the laundry room so i can hang clothes to dry this winter, took the oregano that we grew, dried it for two weeks and then crushed it and put it into baby food jars to use until next year's crop :) Right now i am baking a pumpkin for owen to eat this week. yummmm

  5. WOW!!! this game is so great!
    tammy- congrats on the job. you are going to wow them.
    randi-your comment made me cry thank you so much i really needed to hear your words
    lou-TIGHT BLOG! count me in please for the commune i will be home in tome to plant
    mary- i sure hope ou are going to be in the commune because you have mad homestead skills

  6. Droolie. I miss you. You are so awesome and I feel like our country is a missing some of it's shine when you are not in it. I know you are glittering somewhere else right now! Can't wait for you to come home and I am going to follow your blog obsessively!

    My high and low are the SAME: Lindsey is closing on her place on Friday and moving in on Saturday!!! I am ecstatic for her to have her own space but I will miss her and my Lala.

    I have another high and low that are the SAME: Nino leaves for hunting Friday night for a week. The kids and I will miss him but while he is gone Mama is going on vaca too! No cooking, cleaning, or bathing (LOL). I am sleeping with the kids in their bedroom and in the family room!!! We are having a week of pajama parties :)

    Miss you xoxoxoxoxoxoxox stay SAFE!!!

  7. Low - I am at work with a headache that just won't quite

    High - On sunday one of the arogant but highly renound doctors on my unit told me I would be a good ICU nurse and that I should come work for him!!

    Love you bunches!! Wish I could talk nursing with you because now that I am working on month #6, shit is getting real!

    You are great :)

  8. Wow! What a nice post. I feel like I'm right there with you! You are doing such a great thing and what an expierence that will carry with you throughout your like. I continue to pray for you. God wants is to live each day in the here and now. Making today good for us by making other peoples day better. You are certainly doing that and god bless you.

    With the heat yet to wear light color or white cotton clothing. Drink lots and lots of water. Eat on a regiler schedule. Shower often (this will also keep the unwanted critters at bay ). Take the bottom bunk. I recommend the grape bon joy cup when the Good Humor truck. Sorry.

    I hope they are video taping your public seminar! Sounds like great YouTube material!! I'll never look at bananas the same way again

    Low I had the flu for 3 days.

    High. The love in our Family.

    You take care! It is so good to hear from you. Love you so much. Uncle Mike :)

    November 11, 2009 9:30
