Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year

just wanted to wish you all a happy new year. hope that all your 2010 dreams come true. today was my last day with WASAW. it was sad but i am truly looking forward to moving to nakuru. there i will be able to participate more in a nursing role. i i will still get to see my wasaw friends when coming back to Nairobi. waht are your new years resolutions?


  1. i am hoping to start planning more cooking. like measuring and stiring and baking. that sort of thing. i would also like to get meat from a local butcher and utilize the local farmers since we live in a huge farm belt in
    g rap. but i have to start thinking of cooking first i think. i miss you.

  2. Violet - let me know if you need any recipes!! I have a bunch of fun/easy things to make that are DELICIOUS. Come visit for the weekend and we can make tons of food together....:)

  3. My goal this year is to do the Coldwater sprint triathlon in August.
