Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving


Hope you are filling your bellies. I have the day off today. So it also feels like a holiday for me.

SOme science updates

Ther german plant is in the lead followed by englich and kiswahili. the plant with no song is grwoing the best. surprising data.

We had a community seminar on sat 57 people came. it was great. the best part was that mama grace came and spoke about stigma she is an hiv counseloer and she totally rocked. she was so mazing. it made me so proud to have her there. she also sugested that instead of using bananas we get a wooden penis made. i cant wait to show it to you.

wisah i was with you today. much more later. love you


  1. Wow. Singing to mulit-cultured plants and wooden penises all in one post - and on Thanksgiving to top that!!! I wonder if the quality of singing would affect the plant's growth? I mean if I was singing, they would all be dead, no matter what language they were in!! happy Thanksgiving! enjoy your day off!

  2. Sounds like your data see quite interesting, busy, rewarding, and definitly full of unique experiences!

    Hope you enjoyed your day off and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
